pauline et yann dessinent oeuvre aux feutres fin

2015 is the year that marks the meeting of Pauline and Yann. Two artists with a common technique and vision of art. Passion leads them to form this unique duo under the name MADAME HUBERT.

Based in the southwest of France, they create their first works around the direct inspirations that this region brings them. It is then that the spirit of surf culture, nature and the ocean take a key place in the universe of the two artists.

It is by their technique and the spectacular rendering of their works that they are quickly noticed. A meticulous work and hours spent to deposit ink on paper to obtain a realistic, contemporary and detailed result.

pauline et yann dessinent aux feutres fins duo d'artiste madame hubert
ensemble de tableaux madame hubert sud ouest

The duo spends three years refining their art to define a universe of their own. The shadows, the lights, the black and white, the materials and the details transform a simple object into an icon, it is the trademark of MADAME HUBERT.

During this period, they exhibit their works in emblematic places of the surf culture and the southwest. The world of surf culture also appropriates the universe of the artists, so many local and international brands ask Pauline and Yann to collaborate.

boutique madame hubert sud ouest
panneau gravé en bois par pauline et yann madame hubert représentant le mots collections

In 2018, through encounters and travels, MADAME HUBERT’s artistic universe grows and becomes more democratic. Anxious to make their art and savory inspirations accessible to as many people as possible, the duo begins to develop collections of prints twice a year, to the rhythm of the seasons. A project that echoes the values of Pauline and Yann: to create a quality product, made in the southwest and eco-labeled for all.

Today, MADAME HUBERT continues to present its know-how and to come alive through collaborations with prestigious places such as the Hotel du Palais in Biarritz, or emblematic places such as Disneyland® Paris. The two ambitious artists are in permanent creation and collaboration.